Best Exercise For Chest

 Best Exercise For Chest

Pec Deck  Exercise

Chest flyes are hard for many trainees to learn with dumbbells or cables because the arms need to be locked in a slightly bent position for the duration of the exercise. Luckily, the pec deck simplifies things because it allows you to work in only one pathway. So, this exercise is a great movement teacher, and you can go for a great pump without having to balance any weights.

 Flat Bench Dumbbell Press

With dumbbells each side of your body must work independently, Which recruits more stabilizer muscles,dumbbells are harder to control than a barbell. Dumbbells also allow for a longer range of motion than the barbell bench press; both at the bottom and top of the movement. Flat dumbbell presses allow you to hoist a fairly heavy weight and they make for a good alternative if you have been stuck on the barbell bench for ages.

 Low---Incline Barbell Bench Press 

Many benches are fixed at a very steep angle, which requires a larger contribution from the front delts than the chest to move the weight. If possible go for a less---steep incline to hit the upper pecs without as much stress on the delts. You can also easily do low incline benches with an adjustable bench on the Smith machine.

Machine Decline Press 

Smith machine decline press is another very valuable lower chest exercise.The movement in the Smith machine decline press is the same as in the basic exercise (smith machine bench press but the bench is set at an decline of around 20 to 40-degrees. As in the case of the decline press with free weight ;barbell,, dumbbells;the pectoral muscle remains in demand, but the work is shifted to the lower  sternal head fibers 
and the shoulders.

Seated Machine Chest Press   

The bench press is the most popular exercise for building a bigger, stronger and more prominent chest. But not everyone can, or should, bench press. If you’ve had a history of shoulder injury, bench pressing isn’t ideal. In some cases, the safest way to build stronger and bigger pecs is with the machine chest press.

Bench Press

There are many variations of the bench press that can be performed at different angles and with dumbbells or barbells. The barbell bench press allows you to keep constant tension on your chest muscles; and it’s tension that promotes muscle growth. The more tension you’re able to exert on your pecs, the more muscle fibers your body will recruit to push the weight off your chest. The more muscle(s) you use, the more calories you burn, and the more muscle your body will need to repair and rebuild post workout.

 To perform the bench press:

  1. Lie down on a flat bench,eyes  directly under the bar.
  2. Grip the bar with a medium width grip,Lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight over the nipple line of your chest ,with your arms locked.
  3. Take  the  deep breath and lower the bar slowly until it touches the middle of your chest Pause at the bottom and then push the bar off your chest ,Perform four sets of six to ten  reps,resting for  60 --90 seconds between sets



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