Fever Treatment at Home

Fever Treatment at Home

Drink Water. 
 Drink at least eight ounces of water every two hours. Your body can quickly lose moisture and get dehydrated by sweating or sneezing caused by illnesses; Such as colds and flu;That are often associated with a fever.
 Dehydration can cause your temperature to rise and often leads to headaches;dizziness;muscle cramps;low blood pressure; and seizures.

·         Wear comfortable clothing. Wear loose, comfortable clothes when you have a fever to help your body relax and improve air circulation to help you stay cool. Remove excess clothing or blankets that can trap heat and make a fever last longer. Try a layer of lightweight clothing, and one lightweight blanket or sheet for sleep.

1.    Lower the room temperature. High temperatures can make a fever last longer and cause excessive sweating that can lead to dehydration. The room temperature should ideally be 73–77. If the room is hot or stuffy, a fan may help.

·         Take a warm shower. A warm shower or bath that lasts for 5-10 minutes can help stimulate sweat that keeps your body cool; soothe sore muscles;and decongest sinuses that may be blocked due to a cold. Make sure the water is not too hot to avoid increasing your core temperature; which may cause the fever to last longer.Keeping your body clean can also help reduce the risk of further viral or bacterial infections.

·         Sponge down. If bathing facilities are not available' or does not sound appealing, use a moist towel instead. Soak small towels in lukewarm water and dab them on your forehead or under your arms. This stimulates sweat that helps keep your body cool'improves blood circulation and can reduce nasal congestion caused by a cold or flu.

      Drink herbal tea. Herbal teas contain many antioxidant and anti inflammatory compounds that can help promote relaxation' calm indigestion and gastric reflux, and reduce congestion associated with fever. Some teas can take up to 2–3 hours to take effect. Herbal teas that help reduce fever..

      Drink rice water. When a fever is accompanied by severe diarrhea or indigestion it is a good idea to reduce it with the help of rice water. You can prepare rice water by boiling 2 ½ tablespoons of rice in 1 liter of water for half an hour. Then strain and drinking the liquid.

  • ·         Reduce caffeine intake. Too much caffeine can be bad for you when you have a fever. Caffeine overdose can cause fevers, headaches, insomnia, diarrhea, irritability, and dizziness. Caffeine also stimulates water excretion and excessive intake can lead to dehydration.

  • ·         Avoid smoking. Smoking also suppresses the body’s immune system. Smoking thus requires the body to fight harder against viruses and bacteria, which increases body temperature. It is best to avoid exposure to cigarette smoke, nicotine, and other tobacco products until your fever has reduced.

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