Nosebleed…. Epistaxis ;

Nosebleed…. Epistaxis;

Nosebleeds or epistaxis diseases can occur easily because of the location of the nose and the close-to-the surface location of blood vessels. Most nosebleeds can be handled at home, but certain symptoms should be checked by a physician .It is are very common,, and unless you have had a blow to the nose, they usually starts and stops spontaneously. The septum…nose partition… is the most common site of bleeding from the nose. The forward part of the nose has fragile membranes that crack easily, and it does not take much to damage blood vessels that lie just beneath their surface.

Reasons nosebleeds?????

The purpose of the nose is to warm and humidify the air that we breathe in. The nose is lined with many blood vessels that lie close to the surface where they can be injured and bleed. Once a vessel starts to bleed, the bleeding tends to recur since the clot or scab is easily dislodged. Nosebleeds, called epistaxis, can be messy and even scary, but often look worse than they are. Many can be treated at home, but some do require medical care.
  1.          The insertion of a foreign object into the nose
  2.           Facial and nasal surgery
  3.            Use of drugs that thin the blood ..aspirin, non-steroidalanti-inflammatory     medications, warfarin, and others.
  4.                Tumors or inherited bleeding disorders (rare)
  5.             High bloodpressure

How are nosebleeds stopped????

Following these steps to stop.....

  1. Relax
  2. Sit down and lean your body and your head slightly forward. This will keep the blood from running down your throat, which can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Do NOT lay flat or put your head between your legs..
  3. Breathe through your mouth to lung
  4. Use a tissue or damp washcloth to catch the blood or matrial
  5. Use your thumb and index finger to pinch together the soft part of your nose. Make sure to pinch the soft part of the nose against the hard bony ridge that forms the bridge of the nose. Squeezing at or above the bony part of the nose will not put pressure where it can help stop bleeding.
  6. Keep pinching your nose continuously for at least 5 minutes , before checking if the bleeding has stopped. If your nose is still bleeding, continue squeezing the nose for another 10 or 20 minutes.
  7. You can spray an over-the-counter decongestant spray, such as oxymetazoline (Afrin®, Dristan®, Neo-Synephrine®, Vicks Sinex®, others) into the bleeding side of the nose and then hold apply pressure to the nose as described above. WARNING: These topical decongestant sprays should not be used over the long term.
  8. Once the bleeding stops, DO NOT bend over; strain and/or lift anything heavy; and DO NOT blow, rub, or pick your nose for several days.

First Aid Guide

The following self-care measures are recommended...;

  1. If there are any clots in the nostril, have the person gently blow them out.
  2. Firmly pinch the soft part of the nose, and place a cold compress on the bridge of the nose. This should be done continuously for 15 minutes. Do not release the pressure on the nose.
  3. If the person's nose is still bleeding, repeat the above steps one more time.
Note: If the person's nose is still bleeding after repeating the above steps one medical care.


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