Remove Skin Tags

Remove Skin Tags
Skin tags are small growths or flaps of skin which are usually found around the neck, eyes, underarms, breasts, or groin. Skin tags are very common. About 25 percent of people will develop skin tags, usually starting after the age of 50. Skin tags are more common among people
with diabetes as well as people who are overweight or obese -conditions that often go together. 


Tea tree oil

An antibacterial; anti-inflammatory;and antibiotic oil, tea tree has been used medicinally for centuries to fix all manner of ailments. It is particularly effective at treating skin disorders; and is known to remove skin tags in a matter of weeks with daily application.simply soak a q-tip in tea tree oil  and gently apply it to the skin tag three times a day; holding in place for up to 10 minutes. Using a Q-tip means the oil won’t come into contact with the skin around the tag. This is especially important for those who have sensitive skin, as they may find undiluted tea tree oil is irritating. Most people, however, won’t have any reaction.If any situation tea tree oil is causing you irritation, blend it with a soothing carrier oil like coconut, before applying topically. Be aware this may extend the treatment time.

Apple cider vinegar

this incredibly versatile fermented vinegar is both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, making it a great choice for removing skin tags.1st, wash and thoroughly dry the area around the tag. Apply some apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball and apply to the bump. You can secure or hold the cotton ball in place for up to 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure three times a day until the skin tag darken, dries, and eventually falls off.Avoid using apple cider vinegar to treat skin tags located near the eyes

Vitamin E Oil

A powerful antioxidant with important properties for skin health, Vitamin E can be applied topically to skin tags. Use a pure, high-quality liquid Vitamin E that is formulated specifically for topical treatment ;rather than breaking open a capsule intended for oral use;such as this bottle of Jason Vitamin e.oil.


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